Grantboost is out of Beta: A New Era in Grant Writing Apps

Step into the future of grant writing with the official launch of Grantboost, the premier AI powered grant writing app! Moving beyond our successful beta phase, we have a feature-rich product full of advanced features, all designed to simplify your grant writing journey. We’re building Grantboost for nonprofits, small businesses, and social impact teams of all sizes.

Why Are We Building Grant Writing AI?

We’re building Grantboost because we know you want to win more grants and win them faster. Easy, right?


We understand the challenges you face in finding and writing grants that align with funders, as well as all of the time constraints that come with it. Spending time sifting through application pages, reading eligibility criteria, counting words, all to get one application submitted on time.


But fear not! We’re here to change the grant writing game and empower you to achieve faster results. With our grant writing AI software, you’ll breeze through the proposal process and respond to grant applications with ease. We’re dedicated to getting your time back by streamlining the entire process, allowing you to focus your time and energy on what truly matters - your mission.

Gone are the days of drowning in paperwork and tedious requirements. Together, we’ll conquer the world of grants and unlock new possibilities for your team.

Get ready to blast off with Grantboost and leave a lasting impact on your community.

What Are Some The Features in Grantboost?

Intuitive Grant Writing Chatbot

At the heart of Grantboost is an intelligent grant writing chatbot, designed to draft answers to even the hardest of grant application questions. The chatbot drastically reduces the time spent on drafting responses. Our AI-powered assistant not only saves you time, but it also ensures that your responses are clear, concise, and better aligned with the Funders.

Precise Word and Character Counts

One of the unique challenges in grant writing is adhering to strict word and character limits. We tackle this by providing real-time word and character counts, allowing you to craft responses within the required constraints without constantly having to manually check counts. This will help you maintain compliance with application requirements.

Pre-Made Templates or Create Your Own

Whether you prefer using pre-made templates or crafting something uniquely yours, Grantboost caters to both needs. Our software comes equipped with a variety of pre-built templates that can be customized. You also have the freedom to create your own template. Every team can find or create what works best for them.

Integrate Your Organizational Data

It’s important to use real-world examples and specific information about your team when you’re responding to applications. With our product you can seamlessly integrate data about your organization. This ensures that each application is not only tailored to the grant but also accurately represents your nonprofit’s mission and achievements. We’ll help you keep a consistent narrative across applications.

What’s The Impact of AI on Nonprofit Grant Writing?

AI has the potential to make grant writing more equitable and accessible to teams with limited resources. Our transition from beta to full launch is a new chapter in the nonprofit world. The launch of Grantboost is a significant milestone in the grant writing technology sector.

By embracing our advanced AI capabilities, your team can approach grant writing with more confidence, efficiency, and effectiveness. The era of tedious and time-consuming grant applications is over.

Welcome to the future with Grantboost.

Try Free!

Discover how our AI grant writing software can revolutionize your grant application process, making it more efficient and effective than ever before.

Try Grantboost For Free today. No credit card required.